Husband-and-Wife Team Joins Hoag to Revolutionize Cancer Care

Drs. Monica and Alain Mita, renowned academic researchers and oncologists, are recruited to Hoag thanks in part to philanthropy.

Earlier this month, Hoag proudly announced the recruitment of academic researchers and oncologists Monica Mita, MD, MSc, MHDS, and Alain Mita, MD, MSc, from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. Their appointment to the Hoag Family Cancer Institute marks an exciting expansion of clinical trials in our community. Philanthropy helped make it happen. 

With support from Circle 1000, a group of donors committed to advancing cancer care at Hoag, the husband-and-wife team will serve as co-directors of early phase development therapy, bringing groundbreaking cancer treatments to Hoag patients. “We are living in an exciting era where there is truly a revolution happening in the way we treat cancer patients,” said Dr. Alain Mita, who will also act as director of lung, head, and neck cancers. In addition to her research, Dr. Monica Mita will work with Hoag’s breast cancer team as co-director of breast medical oncology. 

The recruitment of such high-caliber physicians has been a priority of the Hoag Family Cancer Institute for the past decade under the leadership of Dr. Burton Eisenberg, Grace E. Hoag Executive Medical Director Endowed Chair, Hoag Family Cancer Institute. As Hoag expands throughout Orange County, recruiting and retaining top talent is likewise a pillar of the Boldly Hoag campaign and a guidepost for the future of health and wellness at Hoag, made possible in partnership with Hoag’s generous supporters. 

Of Drs. Monica and Alain Mita’s arrival at Hoag, President and CEO Robert Braithwaite said, “It is very exciting to welcome them to Hoag and to work with them as they build upon the foundation of our clinical trials program to bring our patients the most advanced treatments available.”  


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